1st Ranger Battalion Old Scroll Coins


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2d Ranger BN Old Scroll coin order

1st2d, and 3d RGR BN coins also available.  Please see details below.

-all coins made of brass.

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Is your original coin missing or damaged?


Ranger S5 and Coin Master Designs are bringing back a 1st Ranger Battalion coin from the past!  For those of you that have lost or misplaced your original issue, here is your chance to get your hands on your birth right.  We’ll leave it up to you to administer your own elevated pushups or day with a cardboard coin hung around your neck as corrective training.  With space enough to place your name, RIP/ROP/RASP class, or etc it will be like you never lost it.

Ranger from a different era with the same problem?  Don’t despair!  1st2d, 2d Old Scroll, and 3d RGR BN Coins are still available for purchase on the website! 

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × .11811 in
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